Dear Parents:亲爱的家长们:I am very happy to share with you some thoughts about a fantastic Art Activity we are currently doing at Sias IS.我很开心可以跟您分享一下我的所思所想,我对于我们正在进行的精彩绝伦的艺术活动的一些想法。Your dream is to see your children succeed and happy in their lives.家长们想要看到孩子的成功,想要看到他们开心地成长。Our home-school collaboration will guide them to become creative entrepreneurs, innovators, and citizens capable of logical thinking and problem-solving.我们的家校合作也正是能指引学生去变得更加进取,更有革新性,成为更加具有逻辑思考能力以及问题解决能力的世界公民When I met neuroscientist Dr Mary Helen Immordino-Yang at the Hague at an IB Conference she said to me“Emotions are, in essence, the rudder that steers thinking.”当我在海牙的一个IB会议上遇到神经科学家玛丽-海伦-伊莫迪诺-杨博士时,她对我说:"从本质上讲,情绪是引导思维的舵手。"We will remember that quality teaching will always bring out the best in young people, will empower them for a successful future.我们会知道高质量的教育会激发年轻人的潜力,赋予他们能量去创造一个更好的未来。I am a Visual Arts examiner for high school Diploma students.我是高中阶段艺术课评估员I have just marked over 100 candidates` works and I could see BIG GAPS in some candidates’ works.我已经给100个学生的作品打分,我也看到了学生所展示作品中展现的巨大差距。As such at SIAS IS I am ensuring your child gets every opportunity to be fully equipped for future rigorous studies.在西亚斯外籍子女学校的任何地方,我确保您的孩子能够随时学到知识,并以自己的知识储备来应对未来更严酷的学习。BIG QUESTION: What has planting flowers got to do with the future of your child?重要的问题是:培育花朵与孩子的未来有什么联系?The Visual Arts in many ways provide your child with those fundamental skills necessary to become responsible adults: to remember, to manage their time, to think deeply about the WHY, the HOW and the What of life.在很多方面,视觉艺术都提升孩子的技能以让他们成长为负责的大人:去记住,掌握自己的时间,去探究缘由,去寻找方法,去找寻生活的意义。They experience a sense of accomplishment: some of the flowers may not bloom; they will learn why, they will try again until they succeed他们体会到了成就感;一些花朵可能永远不会绽放,但是他们会发现原因,在绽放之前会一直尝试。School is the only place where keep trying our best until we experience success.The adult world can be harsh, demanding and competitive: you and I are providing them the necessary skills to become high performers and live their lives happily.学校是独特的地方,在没有取得成功之前,我们享受再次尝试的过程。成人的世界充满挑战,需要果断的执行力:你我都在为他们为他们武装必备的技能以让他们在生活中更加卓越,更加开心地生活。I will look forward to your visit to our Whole School Art Exhibition coming up in early June.我期待着你的到来,我们一同欣赏在6月举行的全校艺术展With much Love and Respect.感谢您的关注ErwinPYP Visual Arts Teacher小学项目艺术老师